Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Idiots on Facebook; An Open Letter

Okay, I am so tired of people misspelling things and using the completely wrong words. Like, how stupid can you be? Here's my open letter to those ridiculous idiots you see filling your Facebook news feed! Feel free to share this post, or copy and paste this letter to your Facebook and share your frustrations with the world, I give you permission!

Dear English Idiots, 

Loose does not and will not mean the same thing as lose, EVER.

Sequence is not an alternate spelling of sequins, they are two different words, with COMPLETELY different meanings.

Defiantly does not equal definitely.

Then and than are also different, while they seem similar, they do in fact, mean and are used for different things.

AND SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, DO WE HAVE TO GO OVER their, they're, and there?

Or, your and you're? REALLY?

You survived high school how? And you claim to be in college? Oh, no, maybe you didn't even go to college. Well, looks like you should rethink that bad, bad, bad life decision.

I defiantly hate to loose the sequence on my dress than have to go all day looking like a hot mess. You're clothes always look better when their are all the sequence on them.

Uhm, how does that sentence make sense?

I'm tired of having to mentally correct everything you write. While I am smart enough to decode your sentences, the point is, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.


                                                          All the people who use English correctly.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Top 10: Trends That Can Stay as Long as They Want

Here's a more positive post as compared to last time! Keep these babies around as long as you can! I love me some of these and if you're my friend in real life, I know you know I've been rocking these trends for a while- and I will continue to do so! These trends can work and apply to everyone and everything, so keep em going!

1. Crazy Colored Hair.

How freakin' awesome is this hair?! I'm in love! It's so pretty and if I had hair, who knows what'd I'd do with it, but I'd love this!! I don't think I have the real style to pull it off, but damn, it's so cool!

2. The Nude Lip.

Kylie Jenner has perfected it! She even goes a little darker sometimes which is pretty too! The Nude Lip goes with everything! Nude eyes, bright eyes, dark eyes, etc. It is literally a go-to for any makeup look or outfit an if you do it right, it will look banging! But there's a fine line- don't go too pale and look like you have no lips or like you put concealer on your lips. That's all bad.

3. Statement Necklaces.

Statement necklaces can glam up any casual-cute outfit! If you're wearing a simple color palette, you can add a bright, summer-y statement necklace and BAM! You're outfit has now transformed into an interesting and colorful representation of your personality. I love when I see colors paired together that are so opposite, but they coordinate with each other so well! Like, coral and teal, or green and pink, or purple and orange! But I am also a sucker for a simple black and white! So, whatever the outfit, if it's missing the final touch, pull out that statement necklace, put on your other simple jewels, earrings, bracelet, whatever and rock  the crap out of it!

4. Flower Crowns.

These are so cute. While they're not appropriate for everyday, but the whole summer-y festival vibe is still current, get to wearing these! They add a little fairytale element to the outfit and capture the feel of summer when they adorn your head. They're romantic, and fancy, and fun! Real or fake flowers, handmade or bought, it doesn't matter, just Go Get You Some!

But.... this is a little over the fuckin top! DON'T do this! She looks like shes a mushroom from Super Mario! Totes not okay!

5. Eyebrows on Point. 

Also, let's take a moment to appreciate that beautiful winged liner! I die, so perf! But these brows! Note that they are filled in, all. the. way. They are not partially filled, they are not ombre-brows. They are strong and fierce, and perfectly arched! This is what I'm talking about, love em! Now, the fact that I don't have eyebrows makes it really damn difficult to perfect the bold brow, but I will continue to tweak and work with and practice drawing them on until I can be proud of them!

6. Workout clothes as real clothes.

Okay, the workout apparel infatuation has been really strong these days. The clothes have transformed form drab, overly big clothes to hide in, to tight, body hugging outfits. While, clearly, I'm not a fan of the body hugging clothes, I do appreciate that everything has been revamped to be so cute! And the comfort level of workout clothes, even though most people don't actually workout in them, makes them even more acceptable! Like who doesn't want to basically live in their pajamas all day and have it be somewhat normal, and presentable!

Side Note: But to all my #fatgirls out there, please wear clothes that fit you, or go up a few sizes so the clothes float over your body! You do not look cute when you appear like a 20lb sack of potatoes shoved into a 5lb sack. I can't stress how much better a person looks when they are wearing clothes that actually fit them! Don't be afraid of the number (your size!) but, be afraid of what you'll look like in the wrong size! Only YOU have to know your size, but if you're wearing the right one, EVERYONE will know you look good! So, go get em girl!

7.  Glitter, Glitter, Glitter!

Whenever you have the option, ALWAYS choose glitter! Glitter makes everything better! Whether it be on your nails, on your phone, in your makeup, on your clothes, your shoes, your school supplies, your accessories, etc- ALWAYS. CHOOSE. GLITTER! That's pretty much my life motto, except when I have to decide between cheetah print and glitter, then there's a lot more that goes into that decision because I am a true cheetah girl at heart. Glitter is so pretty, and happy. And looking at it makes me happy and puts me in a better mood! Why deny yourself happiness? Don't. You don't have to. Choose the glitter. (Unless the glitter on something is not properly attached and it will create a trail of glitter wherever you go. In that case, leave that shit alone and choose the plain option in your favorite color!)    

8. The Bright lip.

The brighter the better. Look at LC pulling out the bright lip and pairing it with a nude eye! Rockin it! But, that is one thing I suggest, if you're going for a bright lip keep the rest of the makeup light and natural, let the lips be the real focus of your look! I'm really loving the orange lips people have started debuting! But bright lips are usually best kept in the spring and summer seasons, because everyone is a fan of the dark, vampy, red lip in fall and winter! So, with the little time we have left of summer, go buy a bright lipstick and wear it!

9. Internet related clothes- youtubers, memes, internet jokes, etc.

While Miranda Sings isn't one of my YouTubers I am subscribed to, this top is a perfect example of how the internet world is seeping into the real world. Whenever you see someone else with an internet related clothing item, it's like you have found another member of your clan. Its a mutual understanding that the other is in on the joke, they know things you do, and they too have spent countless hours watching Tyler Oakley, Shaaanxo, MeghanRosette, or JennaMarbles, or just scrolling through pages upon pages on tumblr or reddit. You've found a potential new friend! But, in reality the people who spend their hours on the internet aren't entirely made for the real world, so I doubt that that similar interest in online jokes, or YouTube, will actually be a foundation the internet residents will build a friendship on. More likely, they will just post something, somewhere online that they saw someone out that was also a fellow fangirl of so and so. But, regardless, I love that it can make people feel connected to each other, even if they don't really connect. And having an inside joke that others aren't included in is always a cool feeling! The whole "I know something you don't know" attitude! So, yes, buy that shirt with Grumpy Cat on it, or order that sweatshirt with Tyler Oakley's slogan on it, and definitely buy this tank with Miranda Sings face on it.

10. Cheetah.

Ahhhhh cheetah print. My one true love. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a cheetah lover through and through.I've even been known to say I'll have cheetah in my wedding, whenever that is! My future husband better be prepared!! Love me some cheetah, if it's done right! Its no good when you're dressed head to toe in cheetah, it's bad when you're wearing a bunch of different cheetah prints that don't match, and its downright horrific when you're mixing cheetah with other animal prints- you don't look good! You look like a damn safari! Use the beloved cheetah print sparingly, let if be the shining star of your outfit. Pair these beautiful booties on the right with an all black outfit and a red lip, or jeans and a top, and wear some nude or black shoes with the dress on the left! Or maybe even just wear cheetah accessories to spruce up your boring outfit! And I say yes to cheetah everything else too- wallets, keys, phone cases, bedroom decor, etc. Cheetah Love, forever and ever!

BONUS: Edgy Boots.

I love these, especially for fall and winter! But, I am also loving when similar styles are paired with dresses! It makes everything a little more edgy and everyone could use some rough around the edges feel every now and then!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I just had to get on and say a few things!

1. Hello to the viewer(s?!) from freakin' POLAND! uhm what? Is this real life? I have no idea how you found my little blog on the big ol' internet, but you did! I hope you enjoyed reading it!!

2. I am actually really upset that I haven't lived in a two story house. Mainly the reason is because no boy will ever throw rocks at my bedroom window or have to climb a trellis up to my room. This always happens in the books and movies and I want it to happen to me. I mean we're just gonna have to ignore the fact that it probably hasn't been my lack of a second floor bedroom that has kept the boys away; I'm sure that has been the whole #fatgirl thing and the fact that I'm bald. So, even if I had a 2 story house, no boys would have ever climbed that trellis or thrown rocks at my bedroom window. #sadlife But, like forreal, I've been bummed about this for a long time...but then, the #fatgirl in me thanks my lucky stars I have never lived in a 2 story. Cause I am just to lazy for all that going up and down the stairs all day. I'd come down once in the am and go back up once at night. And if I forgot my earrings in my room that day, so be it. It'd be a no-hoop kinda day. I'm not lugging this ass back up the stairs for some damn hoops.

3. Thanks to all the other readers too! I hope I'm entertaining you!

4. SO SAD about Robin Williams' death. Boo. I loved me some Mr. Williams. #icanteven

5. The last post seems pretty popular, so I have a similar one for next week  tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Top 10: Trends that Can Go Back to Where They Came From!

Okay, so some people in today's world are all about these trends and some can actually pull it off, but most of the time, those bitches NEED. TO. STOP. So here is a list of the Top 10 trends I think we definitely DON'T need. What's even more annoying is the little girls, like they're literally 10 and younger are trying to rock these trends and what's even worse than that are the #fatgirls who rock some of these trends. And yes, I have the right to call them #fatgirls, cause I am a #fatgirl myself, "Holllllla" to my other #fatgirls, but please, please, don't wear clothes that don't fit!!! Moving on, here's my Top 10 Trends That Have Got To Go!

1. Crop Tops.

This applies to the #fatgirls the most! And the little girls, like you're 5, we don't need to see your belly button. Why wear a shirt at all if its this small and barely covers your boobs? Don't get it.

2. High-waisted shorts.

Uhm, last I knew high-waisted jeans were mom jeans. I don't care if you just chopped the legs off, they're still mom jeans. And they give the worse camel-toe for girls who aren't stick thin and try to wear them. Ain't nobody got time for that camel-toe. It doesn't look cute and I KNOW it can't feel good. So, please do everyone a favor and just stop with these shorts. #ew #anotherfatgirlone

3.The Obsession with Pin-Up.

I'm so tired of this obsession. While some girls look like they were made for the Pin-Up era, there are so many girls who just weren't. This style is not an invitation for every tattooed pretty girl to become a car show groupie, a rockabilly lover, and a pin-up girl. The style itself is hard to perfect and most girls who try miss the mark, and thats mainly why I think these ladies should just leave the Pin Up style alone, don't mess with something that isn't broken.

4. The "fade-in" eyebrow.

I am all about good eyebrows and the girls that have these ones are doing better than those that have butchered them, but still these are bad, so bad!! Why do you want your eyebrows to have a fresh fade? Are they supposed to be ombre? To me, they look like a loading bar. Ya know, whenever you're posting pics in an album on Facebook or you're installing an update, the bar that slowly but surely fills up. That's what they look like! Like you forgot to upload the rest of your eyebrow, I don't know, it's just a trend I can't get behind. 

5. The shorts where your pockets hang out.

Like whaaaaaat?! I mean the pockets have to be like extremely long, or the shorts have to be like wayyyyyy too short. Your pockets belong in your pants. This really upsets me because I have some jeans, normal, floor-length jeans, that have the smallest pockets- like I can't fit my hand in, like they only hold 2 quarters, side by side, like why did they even include this tiny of a pocket on a pair of pants?  Those are just as dumb as these long ass pockets on these.

6. Still worse- Shorts that allow your actual butt to hang out the back.

While the fellas might appreciate this, and some of the girls that swing that way might, it is wrong on so many levels. I can guarantee the public does not, I repeat, DOES NOT want to see your ass while you're at school (little girls- actually you'll probably get dress coded and have to wear PE shorts, just like you should!), while you're walking around a mall, or while you're at a restaurant. I'm gonna say a good like 87% of people don't care about you or what you're wearing, but as soon as they see you rocking these stupid shorts, they care. They care because they want you to cover up. Maybe they don't want their significant other, be it boy or girl, staring at your ass. Maybe they don't want their little kids pointing and snickering about the girl who has her "booty" hanging out. One's butt is made to sit on, and I mean really, why are you trying to be modest in covering up the other 90% of your butt, if you're gonna show the 10%, show the whole thing. You look dumb, like you can't fit in them. But please, don't ever get to this extreme case of showing the 90% while hiding the 10%.


An extreme case of "Butt Hanging Out of Pants-itis." Never Okay.

7. Big-brimmed Fedoras.

I feel like these are too weird. They're like the bastard kid of a fedora, an Indiana Jones hat, and a large-brimmed floppy hat that no-one likes. And they're just weird. I say, make a decision and pick one, bitch. Or how about you buy all three styles and rock the shit out of them separately, but this weird combo has got me feelin' some type of way, one that's definitely not good.

8. Round Circle Sunglasses.
Don't freak Kels, I know you can rock them, and you do it extremely well!!

They are just too out there for me. I can't wrap my head around these little babies. They belong on Harry Potter, and maybe that's why some of the girls like them, because they're obsessed with Harry Potter, but mostly they just look like bugs. Or like they're on drugs. Because they are modeled after the infamous John Lennon glasses and everyone knows how the Beatles and drugs go hand in hand! These are one of the more acceptable trends I don't like, but still, they had to make the list.

9. The tie-dye shirts with wolves, and various other animals, printed on them.

I mean, seriously. These are popular because of what reason? I see nothing cool, cute, or awesome about these. I mean these are for the weirdest of the weird, those art festivals that are held in tiny forest communities, types of people. Not intended for the cute boy in the beanie you've been secretly eying.

10. Over the top, exaggerated falsies.

When you put falsies on that basically touch your eyebrows, that is doing way too much. You need to dial it down bitch, and just enhance your natural eyes, don't put on mini accordion fans and act like you're pretty. Last time I checked, Instagram is not a modeling agency, and you're not going anywhere with those shits attached to your eyes. Calm your tits and buy a normal pair of falsies. And Kels, my dear loyal reader, and Lauren, My mandatory reader, I KNOW you know who I'm thinking of! Really, though, some girls be lookin like:

BONUS: The obsession with Cats. 

I just really don't like cats, so this is very disturbing for me. Okay internet, I'll give it to you, Grumpy Cat was funny, the first 10 times I saw it, but this new addiction to cat everything has got me so weirded out. NOT a fan. Slow your roll and how about we have plain clothes so we can accessorize, or more clothes with glitter? Glitter is always good!