Wednesday, July 2, 2014

And to round up the intro posts: Brains!

     So, yes, I am admitting that I have brains. Not saying I am the smartest person I've encountered, but I am up there. No, I'm just kidding! If that was the case I'd be living in a mansion, driving around in my Range Rover I've always wanted, and living a life of luxury because I would have used my brilliance to make a ton of money. But, such is not the case, as you recall, I am living in my parents house as I write these (uhm hello no jobs as an English Major!).  It's just that I do have confidence in my smarts and my brains for that matter, I'm not as smart as I'd like, but I'm young- give me a break!!

     Anyways, "brains" is really included in this blog title because I was playing on the phrase "beauty and brains." And since I want the blog to be about beauty I'm twisting the phrase to be my own, while adding in the whole "bald" thing and take on its own meaning for the purposes of this blog. I also thought it fitting to include brains because I do have my English BA, and that was a lot of damn work to achieve. I spent hours upon hours reading books I never would have chose to read, writing papers to please professors, and over-analyzing every detail in any story we read just to come to a conclusion that we can't be sure the author implied. It was a lot of work alright, and the English major is not for the faint of heart.

    I'd like to think I'll write some posts about intelligent topics, with wordy descriptions and beautifully strung together sentences, but we'll see about all that! At this point in my life, I've moved past the whole schooling mentality and wanting to impress teachers and what not; I'm just trying to be real these days. Do what I want to do. Be who I want to be. Say what I want to say. So maybe the English Major part of me will pop out every now and then, but it can't be guaranteed.

     I CAN almost guarantee that there will be posts about people using the English language wrong and me bashing them pointing out their flaws and my frustrations. Ain't nobody got time for dat. Nobody. So it should be entertaining, or so I'd like to hope.

     Now that I've finally written the last intro post I had for this blog, let's let the beauty blogging begin!!

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