Thursday, May 8, 2014


Okay, so now onto the beauty part of this blog, the fun part!!
 Like I've said before, I've been a bystander in this beauty community, but with this blog I'm going to change this! I've been on the sidelines for about 3 years, but now I'm gonna get involved. I have lots of ideas floating around in this head of mine, and we'll see where it goes. Some of my favorite YouTube personalities and inspiration are as follows: Shaanxo, Meghanrosette, and Missglamorazzi!

 After discovering the beauty community on YouTube, I  have since become OBSESSED with makeup! I need everything I see on YouTube and I need it NOW! But, I'm also a cheap skate, so despite my needs, I am quite the drug store beauty junkie. The cheaper, the better, and if I can get it on sale, even THAT much better! I have this saying and goal that I never pay full price for anything, and while I don't always succeed, I'll say 85% of the time I pay sale prices, clearance prices, or I wait till it goes on sale!

 I'm planning to do a lot of beauty posts on this blog! I'm thinking hauls, brand spotlights or focuses, monthly favorites, things I've been loving this week, new brands, posts featuring my hauls from my Ipsy bag every month, simple and sweet top 5s, and so on.

Next up, brains!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


So, let's break the title of this blog down: bald, beauty, and brains. And we'll start with bald.

Yes, that's right, I said bald.

Graduation from Chico State in May '13!

 I am a 23 year old semi-adult female, who is bald. (I can't be considered a full fledged adult yet, I mean I still find myself watching the Disney channel by choice sometimes!) But, back to the bald: I began losing my hair when I was 10 years old. Yup, the tender age of 10, when everyone is just beginning to worry about their looks, to a condition called Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disease that attacks your hair follicles, resulting in bald patches all over your head. Basically, my body was so healthy it essentially got bored, with nothing to do, that it started seeing normal hair follicles as foreign enemies and caused them to fall out. There are two more forms of Alopecia- Alopecia Totalis, where you lose all the hair on your head, and Alopecia Universalis, where you lose all the hair on your body.

 I was the "girly-girl" twin, while Lauren was the "tom-boy." I always had hairstyles I wanted my mom to do, and I was always wearing dresses, but then I became the odd girl out who was losing her hair and I quickly turned into the odd girl out who lost all her hair. You read that right, My Alopecia Areata had jumped right to Alopecia Universalis. From then on,  I can't tell you how many times I was referred to as a boy. It got old really quick. It was before I really starting looking like a girl anyway, when I was the little fat kid, and hadn't developed any sort of girly shape, so I can't blame them, but at the time it was the worst thing ever. That's when I started doing everything I could to make sure I wasn't going to be called a "him" anymore. I was not going to be called a boy, everyone was going to know, upfront, that I was a girl. There would be no more of the "And what about him? What would he like?," or the "How old is he?" And that's when my love of clothes, big hoop earrings, and jewelry in general started, and to this date I literally only wear hoop earrings.

Lauren and I! (Notice the hoops?!)

 It has been close to 14 years now that I've had no hair. No head hair, no leg hair, no armpit hair, nothing. And there has been ups and downs, but really, I feel like I've had it easy. There is only one bullying experience I can remember, and it wasn't even that bad. I haven't had many days where I feel down about myself, and I think that's just because I feel like I just have to deal with it, also in general I don't have a lot of emotional moments. But the fact is, I can't change it; all the treatments I've tried have ultimately failed, so I honestly don't have much hope that my hair will ever be coming back. Also, my Nana had Alopecia Universalis too. She lost her hair when she was about 20 and never had a strand of hair on her head again. So, I feel like this is the hand I was dealt, and I might as well just move on.

 So, that's the bald part. Naturally, a bald girl would be interested in leveling the playing field when it comes to looks, so that's where the beauty section comes into play! Stay tuned! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hello, hello, hello!!

Welcome to Bald, Beauty, and Brains! I'm not quite sure how you have stumbled upon this new little bloggy-blog, but I'm glad you're here!

So, whatttup!

I'm Danielle, a recent college grad who is now in that in-between phase of life. I tell ya, 23 is a weird age. I mean I still feel like I'm in high school, but maybe that has more to do with the fact that I'm now living back at home, but I also feel like I can take on the world. Yes, I have done the all too common "move-back-in-with-the-parents" thing after graduating college. After I got that oh so delicious taste of living on my own, well with my twin sister, I was thrust into the real world. That real world contained itty-bitty apartments with very exaggerated price tags, so naturally, the free rent at home was the only thing I could actually afford. Ever since I graduated in May of '13, I've been living like a self-proclaimed loser. See, the thing is, I wanted to be a loser. I wanted to do nothing. I wanted to be the epitome of the unemployed, couch potato, bum that just coasted along in life, not giving a shit about most people, myself included. But, as this year of low-lifeness comes to an end, I have found that that is not who I am. While it was fun in the beginning, somewhere around 6 months it got old. But, that's life and I'm working through it now.

For about 3 years now, I have been a bystander in the beauty movement that is taking over social media. I hope with this blog to become a contributor. I feel like I have dibs on this whole bald girl beauty thing, since we're kind of rare!

So, if you're ready to jump on board with me and ride this train, I'll save you a seat! Welcome Aboard!!