Thursday, September 25, 2014

25 Reasons You Should Have an Unhealthy Crush on a Fictional Character: Dr. Danny Castellano Edition

        What can I say about The Mindy Project, other than it is the most hilarious show on television at the moment?
        *** If you don't watch it, stop reading immediately, turn on your OnDemand or maybe Netflix (hopefully its on there) and start with Season 1, you will be drawn in and shortly become so addicted to the show that you eat, sleep, and breathe The Mindy Project! Also, there will be spoilers if you aren't up to date, so get to watching!!***

        Tuesday nights at 9:30 are my happy place and I wait so impatiently all week for it to return. Legit, I've been known to laugh out loud, while the rest of my house is quiet, while I watch Mindy. On multiple occasions my Mom has asked me, "What are you watching?" She's grown accustomed to my uproarious laughter on Tuesday nights that she has deemed it "My Funny Show." And even my Dad has asked what was so funny one day as I was re-watching episodes in my room, prepping, okay really procrastinating, for this post.
        Mindy Kaling is seriously a comedic genius and I feel like her character of Dr. Mindy Lahiri is not really a character at all, I feel like that is who Kaling really is, a quick-witted, food-obssessed, loveable girl just trying to make it work in the real world. And its because I feel the two women are one in the same that my ultimate goal is to be best bitches with Mindy, Kaling or Lahiri either one is fine by me. I just genuinely really love her and appreciate this show because it is so relateable. No, I am not living in New York, nor am I a OBGYN, but I feel like I too am quick-witted, food-obsessed, funny, and maybe loveable? Jury is still out on the loveable thing, but let's focus on the real point of this post: Dr. Danny Castellano.
        Dr. C in all his glory is played by Chris Messina, who before Mindy, I had no idea who he was, but now I feel like I MUST WATCH EVERYTHING HE'S BEEN IN. EVER. I mean look at him, he's got the whole older man vibe with out being actually too much of an older man. So, here's the reasons you should have a very non-fiction crush on the fictional character that is Dr. C!

        1. He wears these obnoxious red glasses, which I've grown to love. They are not only obnoxious because they're red, but at the bridge of the nose there's a magnet which is just so dorky. This really adds to the idea that he's older than Mindy and sort of really plays up the older man vibe he has going on in the show.
        2. Diamond Dan. He used to be a stripper, with Diamond Dan as his stage name. It's cute because he paid his way through Medical School by doing so, so he's not just a slut. And he kept the pink thong he used to wear with "Diamond" written across the front in bling. And its cute cause he was totes embarrassed by the fact that he used to strip, so he tried to hide it from Mindy, which didn't work out to his favor, but still. 

        3. The strip tease at the end of the Season 3 opener. Naturally, to go along with the fact that he used to be a stripper, Dr. C does a little strip tease at the end of the first episode of Season 3 that got all the girls and probably some guys hearts fluttering. Here he is in all his beautiful Diamond Dan Delicious-ness. Lmao, too bad this isn't a gif. But, go watch Season 3, Episode 1 till the end to get his moves etched into your mind, you won't regret it. 

        4. The butt shake at the beginning of Season 3 Episode 1. Okay kill me, this episode had a lot of great Danny moments. He does a little butt shake in the beginning after Mindy tells us that Danny gets turned on by weird music. "More Than a Feeling" by Boston is playing in the background and he pulls out this little move while wearing his little wife beater and briefs and seriously hearts are melting. He is so cute and dorky!

       5. For like the majority of season 2 he was crushing real hard on our girl Mindy and we could tell. And now that he's in a relationship, like a real, open relationship with her, he's actually falling in love, if not already in love, with her. And we can see he's trying to impress her when he attempts to dress like Bradley Cooper, who Mindy loves, but is defeated and deflated when Mindy shows up at his apt saying "You were right about us not being together...You said that guys don’t break up with girls that you secretly want to be with. And then I knew for certain that you didn’t want me." Awww all the feels, but he sure looks pretty good in that 20-piece suit.

        6. The gym episode. Mindy has a looming vacation with her then boyfriend Cliff where she'll need to wear a bikini, so of course, the pressure is on and she wants to get in shape! She first convinces Morgan to train her, but that doesn't end well so she reluctantly goes with Danny. He then makes up scenarios that include distraught celebrities so Mindy could relate to them and be motivated. This is the cutest thing ever. He talks about Anne Hathaway, and Michale Fassbender, one of Mindy's top celeb obsesseions, and even Leonardo Dicaprio. They show us just how in tune with Mindy, Danny is and how much he gets her. 

        7. He has a gay brother, Richie, and he's totes okay with it. The Brooklyn Bad Boy in him has known all along that his brother is gay and has accepted him nontheless, so points for Danny.

        8. He's Italian/ he can cook. Ahhhh, a man that can cook- straight to the top of the leader board. While I myself can cook, and make some pretty good down-home dishes if I do say so myself, the man of my dreams can sweep me off my feet with a plate of food. Obviously that's the way to a woman's heart, well at least a #fatgirl's heart. Okay, but really, who wouldn't love a man that can throw down in the kitchen? Perfect date night- he cooks me dinner. I am putty in his hands at that point, probably, seeing as I've never been in that situation. But, you get the point! You can just imagine all the pasta he's making in this gif, and then he looks at you like that; bliss.

         9. When he broke up with Mindy in Season 2 Episode 18. He told her, and was so genuine about it, that he couldn't lose her. He couldn't risk not having her in his life because she was legitimately his best friend. Awwww. Mindy didn't fall for it and called him a coward, but when her heart broke, ours did too, but not only for her, for him as well.

        10. He's a Doctor. Uhm, hello, Doctors are always hot, well that or they're like unbelievably weird/awkward/ugly! And he looks so good in that white coat!

        11. He played Let It Go on the piano. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last year, you know a lot about Frozen. And, despite my being 24, I have loved it since the first time I saw it. I mean I guess it doesn't help that I am a nanny, so naturally it was on repeat for a few months and I know all the songs, but it is really a cute movie! And Danny, in his time of sorrow and despair turns to his piano and plays Let It Go. So swoon-worthy. First of all he plays piano, whaat?! Awesome! Second the most popular song from Frozen, even better!!

        12. He told Mindy, "I don't know why, but I still wanna hit it" after she plays it off that she's so cool with being secretive that she beat boxes. He's full of one liners, where he shows Mindy just how much he's into her. And he told her this: "I saw a headline in The Post today. It said 'newsflash: you're staying at my place tonight'." All while doing his signature butt-grab.

        13. He's good with kids. A.k.a he'll be a good dad. A man that's great with kids, is a great man in general. He has No-Dad-So-I'm-the-Man-of-the-House syndrome since he had a dead beat dad growing up. He raised his brother while his mother worked long hours trying to provide for them. Nothing melts hearts more than a tough guy being a big softie around little kids, uhmm have you heard of all the hype around Dilfs of Disneyland Instagram account?

         14. His plushy lips. Mindy Kaling, in an interview with Andy from Watch What Happens Live, called it a tie between Chris Messina and James Franco for the best kisser of the show. She notes his plushy lips as a contributing factor and I couldn't agree more, I mean I haven't kissed him, but those lips doe!

        15. He's crotchety and out of touch with technology. But, it adds to his charm and real-ness, and this was straight up funny.  Hash bags, Dr. C, really?

        16. He tells her this:
After running in her office to find her naked and saying he has some notes. Mindy rattles off a list of things she needs to improve on and he rejects all of them. He tells her to stop holding her stomach in, and then delivers this Heaven sent line. See, we start to see he likes her, he saw her naked, on accident, but still, he ain't mad at it!

        17. His ex-wife took modeling photographs of him nude and turned it into an art exhibit, where Mindy shows up to be supportive of his debut as a model. The best part are the pictures, they are so funny. They are all in black and white and are trying to be really artsy and high-brow, but he's nude and holding a baseball bat.  Yes, this warrants two pics.

         18. Because this picture exists. So sweet, despite that its in Mindy's breakup box, every time we see that box I just love this little picture.

        19. Speaking of boxes, Mindy has made it into his "treasures" box, aka his heart. Alongside a picture of his brother, his rosary to represent God, and a picture of Mayor Guiliani sit "some trashy skank's earrings...," and Mindy is that trashy skank.

        20. The Bridget Jones' Diary moment when they're in the hospital with menengitis! Apparently I'm big on guys reading to a girl, please refer to the Pacey J. Witter Edition of the 25 Reasons to Have a Crush on a Fictional Character! But he even voices the characters all in a British Accent. HE DOES VOICES.

        21. Also while in the hospital, before the syrupy-sweet moment I just mentioned, we learn Danny has a stuffed giraffe that is named "Neck" that Richie brings him to comfort him during his stay in the hospital. Awwww. Shoutout to all the ladies, and especially the gents, who still have those way too loved stuffed animals from their childhood.You know the ones, with the missing eyes, the matted fur, the stitches from where they burst their seams.

         22. The "Try Again" Dance. He performs this dance for Mindy for her Secret Santa Christmas gift and I can't even. And Chris Messina is actually the dancer here, his mom was a dance teacher while growing up, so instead of karate, he took dance and actually really enjoyed it. So, thank you Mindy for putting this scene in the show, if we didn't like Danny before, we loved him after this! Here's a clip of it, let me know if you can't even either.

        23. He helps her write the break up letter to Cliff. But we all know that this letter is really to her, from him! He's a very good writer, and excellent at expressing his feelings, at least indirectly to the woman he loves. And now, until further notice, please base your relationships off this one line from the show. If that significant other does not force you to be the best version of yourself, bye Felicia!!

        24. He gets jealous. When Danny has asked Mindy to keep their relationship a secret, and in doing so he flirts with that pharmaceutical bitch, Peter comes to the rescue to help her get back at him. And quite possibly, this episode may actually be my favorite one ever, but I have commitment issues, so I'm not gonna say that. I really began to love Peter since this episode and feel bad that everyone hated on him for so long. But besides that, Peter makes it look like Mindy and he hooked up in the bathroom, and then he cranks up the flirt game real hard and Danny gets so jealous! But it's kinda like that Nick Jonas song "Jealous," that I'm loving at the moment, he can't help it. When all the other office people are like "woah, check them out," "looks like some flirtation going on there," Danny is quick to say, "Nope, that's friendship!" Okay, here's a little video of the episode I'm talking about and you can see how Danny could be jealous of Peter and Mindy's "flirting." Love this episode!

***Sorry, this video is now Private and I'm working on finding another one!

        25. He pays for all his mom's bills. Even her "Coffee Crush" in-app purchases. He's used to taking care of people- Richie, his mom, himself, so it's hard for him to let Mindy take care of him. This is part of what he has to learn to deal with and accept if he's gonna be with Mindy for real because that's what people in relationships do for each other- they care. And here's a pic of when his mother yells at him for paying for everything, promptly before she goes back to working in hotels to pay for her own stuff, which doesn't end well.

      In Conclusion:  Ahhhhh, Chris Messina. Keep doing you, boo! You are amazing as Dr. Danny Castellano and we appreciate you! Even if its only because we wish Danny was real. Keep those plushy lips plush for our girl Mindy and keep bringing something extra to the character of Danny. Now, if you don't love Danny after reading this, #fuckyalater! Ain't nobody got time for you! And I'll leave you with this beautiful picture of Danny/Chris smiling- a rare treasure!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The 6 Makeup Brushes You Need In Your Life

        Let's talk brushes!!! I love buying brushes, specially the ones I use all the time like eyeshadow brushes! So, I've come up with a list of the brushes you just NEED IN YOUR LIFE, well, according to me! These 6 brushes will get you through a whole face and an eye look!

        1. The Crease/Blending Brush- How can you do an eye look with out one of these bad boys?! These are your best friend for blending!! They are fluffy and a little pointed towards the end sometimes which makes it so easy to get into the crease of your eye and BLEND. BLEND. BLEND. Without blending you'll end up looking like every middle schooler out there who only covers the lid of their eye with a color and then puts a frosty white under their eyebrow/other half of the eye space. So, #gogetyousome, as Eleventh Gorgeous says!! My favorite ones actually came from Target's brand Up and Up! I was just in Target though and noticed that they've changed the packaging and it looks like the brushes themselves, so I'm not sure if they're still available! But you can find these at probably every place that carries makeup brushes!

        2. The Eyeshadow Brush- How you gonna put all that eyeshadow on without one of these? Your finger? I guess that's an option in a pinch, but definitely not my favorite!! I prefer having to not really get any products on my fingers, so I love these! There are many different varieties but they all do the same thing- get that shadow on your lids!! I love stocking up on the Eyes Lips Face (ELF) brand of these because I use them SO much and the ELF ones are only $1! And if you have some for dark colors, and then some for light colors, you don't have to wash your brushes as much! Did I mention this is the #lazygirlsguidetomakeup? Just kidding, but who wants to wash their brushes? That takes way too long and half the time I can't be bothered, so I typically end up wiping my brushes on a makeup remover wipe. Don't judge me, that's basically like cleaning them!!

        3. The Expert Face Brush or a Beauty Blender- The Real Techniques Expert Face Brush is so amazing! I apply my liquid or mousse-y type foundations with it and it works wonders! The bristles/hairs are short enough to apply product with enough pressure and they're packed into the handle at just the right density. It makes the brush sturdy enough to really buff in your foundation and make it look like you're not really wearing makeup. Your foundation, with enough blending, looks like skin! The beauty blender is also awesome because it really applies your foundation in a thin layer. You get the sponge wet and then ring all the water out, leaving the sponge moist and about double the size you start with. This is great for applying all of your foundation in light, thin layers, or blending out concealer under the eyes an around the face! I typically go back and fourth between the Expert Face Brush and the Beauty Blender to apply foundation- it just depends on what I'm feeling that day!

        4. A Powder Brush- A large fluffy brush is ideal for applying powder to set all your foundation. I have a Bare Minerals one, an ELF flat top one, and a random no brand one that I use! I regularly grab for the no name one because it is the softest and applies the powder the lightest! I use the Rimmel Stay Matte powder which can look a little cakey if applied too heavily, so that's why I usually have a light hand when applying! I use these brushes also to set my under eye concealer, when I apply it, with a High Definition (HD) powder! Beware of HD powder though! It typically leaves a white cast on the skin whenever used, so those flash photos will have you looking like Casper!! So, I apply this really lightly with one of the really fluffy face powder brushes in hopes of dispersing the product well and not too heavily.

        5. A Bronzer Brush- I have an angled fluffy brush, again from ELF (Notice a trend? These brushes, especially the studio line are really good and are SO cheap!!) that I use everyday! I use this in addition to a Real Techniques Setting Brush for my contouring. The ELF brush bronzes my whole face well and the Real Techniques brush has a small head on it so I can define the cheekbones and contour my nose easily. If you're looking for a good small contour brush to really get in and define your face I definitely think you need the Real Techniques Setting Brush!! And honestly I've been wanting to get a new all over bronzing brush because this ELF one is getting worn out, but for one dollar I cannot complain!

        6. Highlighter/Stippling Brush- These stippling brushes are so good!! You can use them for highlighter, like I do, or for foundation! I've never tried it for foundation, but I'm gonna go buy another one and do so! Using a stippling brush for highlighter works so well because it applies the highlight lightly and it doesn't make you look like you have a streak of shimmer above your cheekbone! It blends it in with your blush and if you wanted, since I didn't include a brush for blush, this brush would be terrific!! Its like the white tips only pick up so much product that its essentially fool-proof! I use one from ELF yet again but I've read awesome reviews about most stippling brushes, so you definitely need to try one out!!

        Here's links to all the places to get some of the products I mentioned:
ELF- for all sorts of makeup and the really affordable brushes!!
Real Techniques- for that Expert Face Brush and Setting Brush, I'm telling you, YOU NEED THEM!!
Ulta- A place for not only brushes, but ALL things makeup, I feel sorry for you if you don't have one of these nearby!! Oh the struggle!
Beauty Blender- the site tells you everything you need to know about the Beauty Blender! Then from there you can find a local retailer that sells them! So you can get that perfect little pink, or maybe another color, egg sponge!
And finally the Up and Up Beauty Brush Section of Target for a bunch of cheap brushes, not as cheap as ELF, but still!

Monday, September 15, 2014

What's in my IPSY Glam bag: September

        Ipsy is a monthly subscription service that costs about 10 bucks a month. Every month, unless you decide to cancel, you receive a makeup bag filled with 5-6 products, name brand and unknown brands. It allows you to discover new products, try the products you've had your eye on forever, and most of the time there are multiple FULL SIZED products in your bag, with no foil packets anywhere in site! Unlike other subscription boxes I've heard of,  ughhm, Birch Box, ughhm. Every time you get a new bag you can review each item you get and then you earn points based on your reviews of the items. With those points you can then redeem them for extra products in next month's bag! You can also earn points by bugging your friends on facebook and sharing your personalized link to your wall and getting people to sign up under you. So, here's my chance to bug you, and offer my link to Ipsy: My Ipsy But for 10 bucks I don't know why someone wouldn't be already subscribed!! It is the best glam bag out there, I am biased because it is the only one I'm actually subscribed to, but I'm basing this off all the YouTube comparison videos I've watched!

        This month's bag was so cute and totally #streetstyle, which was the theme of the month! I interpret  that as a little edgy, but still mainstream and cool. I always like to think I can be a little edgy and show my #streetstyle by putting on my studded boots, leather jacket, and some dark makeup. But onto the good part: what I got!!

        The Bag: A sleek pleather type of material in charcoal gray. It has a black zipper along the top with the signature Ipsy zipper pull attached. The bag is lined with a canvas type fabric in a tan color and it is adorned with four square pyramid studs.

        Item 1: Crown Brush Infinity Shadow/Crease Duet Brush, on sale now for $6.99. This double ended brush is awesome!! The shadow side is so plush and soft. This end will be perfect for blending out the crease color or transition color you use on your eyes. And the opposite end is a small round domed brush. I love these kind of crease brushes cause they really get the color in there. I have only found one other brush like this, from ULTA, and I have been looking for another from a different brand for a while! I'm so excited to start using this!

        Item 2: Pacifica 7 Free Nail Polish in Red Red Wine, $9 retail. Okay, if you know me, you know I don't need any more polishes!!Like ever. For the rest of my life. BUT, I absolutely love this color! I am a sucker for the wine-y reds, oxblood reds, and vamp-y reds during fall and this color fits in so well! I swatched this on my nail and it is so pretty! And it is really pigmented, even with one coat!! As soon as it gets a little cooler and less deathly hot here in Northern California, this will be the color I'm grabbing to do my nails.

        Item 3: Hikari Lipstick in Cabernet, $13 retail. Do I feel a theme in colors this month? Shout out to my wine-os! Although I am not a wine-o, it seems that some of the Ipsy stylists and creators this month were! But, their obsession is my gain, because as I just told you, I am a sucker for all things deep red during fall, so this lip color will go perfectly with all the scarves, leggings, and boots I'll be wearing soon. Also, who doesn't love a good red?!

        Item 4: LeeAnni Eco 3-in-1 Revolution Light, Full-size retails for $17.48. This is a combo of a toner, serum, and moisturizer all in one. I am excited to start using this because I don't use any of these products now. And I really,  really want to get started on a good skin care routine. Okay, just applied this and I am so NOT A FAN of the smell. It is way too eco-y for me. I can't pinpoint what it is, but I don't like it. It does feel pretty good on my skin though, and it lists the top 3 ingredients as: Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, and Rosa Damascena (Rose) Flower Distillate. I'm guessing its the Rose stuff I don't like, but I can't be sure! Other than the smell, it seems to be a cool product, we'll see how it goes!

        Item 5: Briogeo Don't Despair, Repair! (TM) Deep Conditioning Mask, Full-size retails for $26. Yes, a hair mask. So, no review from me, because, well, I lack hair to try this on! And as much as I tell Ipsy that I don't prefer hair products or mascaras, I usually tend to get a product every month that I simply can't use! I typically pass this onto a friend or my sister. So once a month, someone always gets a gift from me!

        In Conclusion: The whole approximate retail cost for all the products is $40! And I got them all plus a super cute makeup bag for a quarter of the price!! I lovelovelove Ipsy! Despite being unable to use one of the items in my bag this month, I am really happy with September's #streetstyle Ipsy bag. I love the nail polish, lipstick, and brush and am only if-y on the 3-in-1 toner product, but that is awesome for 10 bucks! All three of the items I love are full-sized and because of Ipsy I got them all for the price of the nail polish! And I am all about a deal, but you should already know this!! So, hop on this Ipsy train now, it only gets better! I've been a member since about April of '13 and there has always been something I love in my bag, and it is such a good opportunity to try new products and appreciate ones I already love!

      SN (Side Note):  Also, lets take a moment to appreciate the background on the picture I posted. Its a pic of my computer so I can blog, and the cover for the Breathe Carolina song Chasing Hearts ft. Tyler Carter. Literally have been SO OBSESSED with their CD, Savages, and that song in particular! I've only been a fan for about a week, but oh. my. god. They are magical! This is coming from a girl who LOVES Taylor Swift, all sorts of Country, a little bit of the ghetto rap music, and the Top 100 hits. The CD hasn't left my CD Player since I got it! It's been the only thing I've been listening to, and I've replayed Chasing Hearts a million more times than I've played the entire CD, so I mean, based on that it MUST be good right? Right! Seriously, go give them a listen, especially Chasing Hearts, you will not be disappointed! It is such a catchy, electro-pop, rock-y, fun genre of music and I love it! It makes me want to dance and I love dancing, so who could hate on that?!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Wet n Wild and NYX Lip Haul

 I picked these beauties up a little bit ago and had to share! The Wet n Wild lipsticks were only $1.99! Best deal ever!!! They are SO pigmented and are a really nice consistency. I picked up Dollhouse Pink 967 and Purty Persimmon 970, and I love both!

 Here is an awkwardly close up swatch, or look up my nose, of Dollhouse Pink on my lips! It is a really bright light neon pink! And despite these lipsticks being matte, they are both very creamy and not drying at all!!

  Here is the Purty Persimmon!

 And now a #selfie of me wearing this purty color! All the close up swatches I had of this awesome orange are so creepy/ or just bad! I actually did rock this bright orange lip with the bright neon yellow top and I loved it! I was a little uncomfortable at first with wearing two bright colors, but coordinating colors are so in this summer, so I just went for it!

 I also picked up 3 NYX lip liners on another shopping trip for $1.99 each! I got Hot Red SPL817, Dolly Pink SPL839, and Coral 841. I figured these colors are always good to have and at 2 bucks each  I had to get them all! Every color is true to its name, bright, and go on so easily!

 This is a hand swatch I did of all three liners and the 2 lipsticks! It goes as follows from left to right/top to bottom since it a weird angle: Hot Red NYX lip liner, Coral NYX lip liner, and Dolly Pink NYX lip liner, Dollhouse Pink Wet n Wild lipstick, and Purty Persimmon Wet n Wild lipstick!

                      Rock those lippies ladies!! Especially if you get a great deal on them! :)