Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Idiots on Facebook; An Open Letter

Okay, I am so tired of people misspelling things and using the completely wrong words. Like, how stupid can you be? Here's my open letter to those ridiculous idiots you see filling your Facebook news feed! Feel free to share this post, or copy and paste this letter to your Facebook and share your frustrations with the world, I give you permission!

Dear English Idiots, 

Loose does not and will not mean the same thing as lose, EVER.

Sequence is not an alternate spelling of sequins, they are two different words, with COMPLETELY different meanings.

Defiantly does not equal definitely.

Then and than are also different, while they seem similar, they do in fact, mean and are used for different things.

AND SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, DO WE HAVE TO GO OVER their, they're, and there?

Or, your and you're? REALLY?

You survived high school how? And you claim to be in college? Oh, no, maybe you didn't even go to college. Well, looks like you should rethink that bad, bad, bad life decision.

I defiantly hate to loose the sequence on my dress than have to go all day looking like a hot mess. You're clothes always look better when their are all the sequence on them.

Uhm, how does that sentence make sense?

I'm tired of having to mentally correct everything you write. While I am smart enough to decode your sentences, the point is, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.


                                                          All the people who use English correctly.

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